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nOTHING REAL CAN BE threatened
The counterspell PLEDGE
It's a beautiful opportunity and privilege to run and operate a small business. We recognize, accept and surrender to the reality that it comes with a platform and the power to influence and create change. Lest we forget Uncle Ben's advice to young Peter Parker (Spider Man), "With great power there must also come great responsibility." We're no super hero’s, but we are humans that welcome the responsibility with purpose and the dedication to serve our communities by giving back and raising awareness and funds for important causes, ranging from social justice and harm reduction to environmental issues. ZAFA Wines pledges to donate 2.3% of the profits of every collection to a nonprofit organizations and/or marginalized owned and operated organization that is aligned with our values and purpose. A donation will be made per collection at the end of the fiscal year of the product release or when the collection is "sold-out," whichever occurs first.
2.3% of the profits from The stranger than fiction collection will be donated to the following:
Free Ground Shipping when you buy 5 or more bottles (discount applied at checkout)